Welcome to Galis Jewelry's FAQ Central! Please choose a subject that you would like to know more about.
General FAQ
To get in touch with our Customer Care Team please send us an email to Support@galisjewelry.com All emails are typically responded to in less than 24 hours.
Our team has an average satisfaction rating of 4.75\5 stars, let us know what we can help you with! We are always happy to assist. 😊
COVID-19 delivery times & updates
Due to the impact of COVID-19 on various shipping carriers, we have been experiencing sporadic periods of shipping delays. These delays are unfortunately out of our control, however we are doing everything we can to minimize and mitigate these delays.
We hope that you can be patient and understanding with us while we all navigate and manage these issues if and when they arise. We will always have your back and will continue to do everything we can to make sure you receive your order as quickly as possible.
Due to the impact of COVID-19 on various shipping carriers, we have been experiencing sporadic periods of shipping delays. These delays are unfortunately out of our control, however we are doing everything we can to minimize and mitigate these delays.
We hope that you can be patient and understanding with us while we all navigate and manage these issues if and when they arise. We will always have your back and will continue to do everything we can to make sure you receive your order as quickly as possible.